Saturday, October 13, 2007

Che and On Being at Twenty-Something

You may have ever heard this variation of Guisot/ Clemencau/ Churchill's quote:
Not to be a socialist at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head.
The quote comes to mind when I read the leader of this week edition of The Economist denouncing one of well known socialist's icons, Ernesto "Che" Guevara, as a fighter against freedom and democracy.

Well,..err.., perhaps, uhm...I don't know (scratching my head).

But I'll take a liberty to say that some of the baristas here were bunch of socialists (or at least had a flavor of it) when we were twenty-something undergrad students. And I can testify that Che, along with Iwan Fals and sometimes Ahmad Wahib and Soe Hok Gie (before the movie), somehow sent (some) students to go down to the street those days. It was a symbol of courage against tyranny and social injustice.

Such a powerful symbol that it tells you why even today you can still see Che's picture from Havana to London's Portobello to PSS Sleman fan's T shirt. While on the other hand, as Alex Tabarrok once wrote, no one goes to the barricades (and die, my word) for efficiency.

Who cares about efficiency at twenty, anyway?


  1. thought you pass twenty-something couple years ago?
    tell me, is being thirty-something has made you wiser? =D

    happy Ied everyone!

  2. Happy Eid, dHan. Hope we're all now getting wiser in whatever it may refer to :-)
