Friday, August 04, 2006

On Reason to Blog

Why do economists spend their time blogging?
The Economist, I mean the magazine, has some of the answers:
#1. “It's a place in the intellectual influence game,” Mr DeLong replies; and “It's a natural extension of my day job—to engage in intellectual discourse about economics,” Mr Mankiw says.
#2. Although there is no evidence of a direct link between blogging and publishing productivity, a new study by E. Han Kim and Adair Morse, of the University of Michigan, and Luigi Zingales, of the University of Chicago, shows that the internet's ability to spread knowledge beyond university classrooms has diminished the competitive edge that elite schools once held. (my word: to screw up the university's ivory tower)
#3. Blogs have enabled economists to turn their microphones into megaphones. In this model, the value of influence is priceless.
Now, assume (economists love to assume, some said) we, the hosts, are economists (we're economists, aren't we?) : What do you think our motives to deliver something that our Manager often despises as non-sensical in this cafe are?

I don't know about other hosts. But come to think of it, for me, none of abovementioned causes seem applicable. I do blogging for fun. OK, more precisely for showing you that economics can be, and is indeed, fun (and it's fun to read the comments, too). And trust me, the money from the Manager is a shame.

You don't buy it and raise your eyebrows? Fine. Allow me to spill a small secret. For Aco, AP and even Ujang (I don't know about Sjamsu), they blog to woo women.

OK, Rizal, too (I see them throwing cups at me)


  1. i suspect as much. shame that the manager is a lesbian.

  2. I can feel the intensive wooing as of this moment.

  3. oh, now i see...

    well, i have to agree with rizal here... you guys posts to attract woman. Actually AP can do other things to attract girls. by not talking... he looked so handsome when he shut up...

    ok, stop throwing cups at me...
    i'm already attracted with you all...
    including the manager (wink!)

  4. "Video killed the Radio Star
    Internet killed the traditional non-techy-savvy economist"

  5. I blog to be overtly subversive.

  6. I blog to fight economics illiteracy. Everything else should strictly be regarded as unintended consequences of human actions.

  7. bloggers are narcists.
    hey now, don't throw cups at me!

  8. my blog is mine soliloquy...
